Celebrate Being You - It's Okay to be in Love With Yourself
It's amazing how many people are shocked that at almost 50 years of age I have never married or had children.
I constantly have to justify my choices in life especially to some cultures and generations .
I've been too busy, with career and working, travelling , my hobbies and experiencing life.
My choices define me I guess but many assume that there is something wrong with me or it's because of my disabilities and the fact that I am part time dependent on a wheelchair.
Well the wheelchair has only entered my life in the last few years and I've had a few significant relationships but nothing that I considered for life.
I don't believe love and companionship are the most important things in life, I seek happiness, peace and success in various areas of my life over love.
And as for the wheelchair I find many people are not too bothered by it .. Especially men, women friends etc though tend to like to hang around disabled people because it makes them look better as able bodied people.
The number of people, especially women who say "oh yeah this is my disabled friend" as though saying "friend" somehow taints the word. But women know that you can never truly trust another woman. Its the way life is, as we are in competition with each other.
I am socially healthy, have a balanced life, live well, am positive and happy most of the time. I see each moment in life as a blessing and can truly say if I end up never having another love relationship in my life I will still be happy. I will still look back on my life as successful and worth living.
Sometimes being content and happy in your own existence and able to be satisfied by your own company in life is much better than being in a relationship that strips away your self content and confidence .
In my opinion the word Love is so overused these days and is more a religious connotation to me than anything else. I class myself as spiritual and I do have a strong belief system in my life.
I believe practicing breathing techniques, oneness, wholeness, relaxation , meditative techniques , stretching and light exercise and thinking positive and being happy are a lot of the battle and have elevated my self confidence and made me very independent .
Don't feel the need to justify who you are to others, be yourself and be proud . We are all created different to make the world go around and enhance the human experience and relieve our boredom.
Celebrate being you, whatever you seek in life is okay and your choice, no one else's..
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